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Hank Patterson's Outdoor MisAdventures

Aug 31, 2023

Join Hank and Kevin for a lovely conversation about the etiquette of when you can and cannot rub it in that you're on vacation and the story of a raft ride across the Atlantic tha may be histories inspiration behind modern reality television. Hambone! Enjoy! 

Aug 17, 2023

Hank and Kevin are off the rails this week. Prepare your ears for some crazy banana spider stories, manatees getting weird and some thoughts on the influx of found cocaine in our forests and on our beaches. This ones a doozy. Enjoy!

Aug 10, 2023

Hank and Kevin are back with an update on Lake Tahoe's most famous black bear Hank The Tank, an introduction to the PFC (pillow fighting championship), thoughts on Brad Pitt, phone booth boxing and finally a deep dive into the many reasons that Summer is the worst of all four seasons. Enjoy! 

Aug 3, 2023

This week Hank and Kevin are chatting about grocery store hot dogs, gorilla gender, Taco Bell realities, crocodile death rolls and so much more. Enjoy the ride!